Behavioral Health
KKV’s Behavioral Health team offers help to support an individual’s mental, emotional and behavioral well-being.
Breathe Kalihi
Breathe Kalihi is KKV’s tobacco prevention and quit program. We connect with community members to create a personalized quit plan. Nicotine replacement support is available. Our program also connects with youth and community organizations to educate about the risks of tobacco and electronic nicotine device use. Call (808) 791-9425 to take your first step.
Behavioral Health: 808-791-9425
Main Clinic Line: 808-791-9400
Please call the Doctor’s and Nurse’s Answering Service after business hours at:
After Hours Care: 808-988-2188
Clinic Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 8am-6pm, closed for lunch: 12pm-1pm
Sunday: CLOSED
Services Include:
Psychiatrist / Psychologist Evaluation – We offer counseling and therapy for individuals, couples, families, and groups.
Medication Management
Integrative Behavioral Health Care and Primary Care – Our psychiatrists, psychologists, and licensed clinical social workers collaborate with our medical team to address your whole health and needs.
Complex Care Management – KKV uses an interdisciplinary team approach for individuals requiring complex care.
Care Coordination - Coordinated care for Medical/Behavioral Health/Nutrition/Social Services needs.
Substance Abuse - Intake/screening/brief intervention and referral to treatment programs including prescription drug abuse and opioid addiction.
Tobacco Cessation – We provide community education and one-on-one quit coaching.
Case Management - Mental Health (CCS - Community Care Services)
Social Services – We provide assistance with referrals to social service resource.
Home Visits - For complex situations.